Friday, April 14, 2017


GEORGE SLAWSON (1616-1695)
SAMUEL HOLLY (1593-1643) &  ELIZABETH (COGAN) HOLLY (1599-1647)
JOHN YOUNGS (1598-1672) and JOAN (HERRINGTON) YOUNGS (1600- abt. 1638)
RICHARD LAW (1607-1687) and MARGARET (KILBOURNE) LAW (1607-1689)
THOMAS JONES (1618-1654)  & Mary (UNK) ( -1650)

27) George Slawson (abt. 1615-1695) arrived on the "Jonas" in 1636 in Lynn MA.   

*Slawson spelling variations include Slauson, Slason, Slosson

George arrived in America with his brother Thomas and moved to Sandwich MA about 1637, then to Stamford CT in 1642.  The name of his first wife, who is the mother of all of his children, is unknown.  In 1680 he married his 2nd wife,  Mary (Williams) Jennings, widow of Joshua Jennings.  George testified at the trial of Elizabeth Clason, accused of witchcraft, stating he had lived as her neighbor for many years and found her to be a woman of peace and without malice.

  • George's oldest son John Slawson (1641-1706) married  Sarah Tuttle ( - 1676) Sarah was murdered on 11/17/1676 with an axe.  Her brother, Benjamin Tuttle, was hanged for the crime.  
John Slawson married his 2nd wife, Elizabeth Benedict in 1680 and followed his brother, Eleazer Slawson, to Bedford NY in 1681. John soon returned to Stamford where he married his 3rd wife, Hannah (Prunderson) Gibbs.  
    • The son of John and Sarah Slawson, Jonathan Slawson (1670-1727) married Rose Stevens (1683-  ), as his 2nd wife. 
      • David Slawson (1713-1779), son of Jonathan & Rose Slawson, married Eunice Scofield (1707-1742/3)
  • George's 2nd son, Eliezer/Eleazer Slawson (1643-1698)  married Susanna Belding (1651-1707) as his 2nd wife.  Eleazer Slawson was one of the early settlers of Bedford, NY founded in 1680. 
    • Eliezer & Susanna's son, James Slason (1680-1759) married Mehetable Ambler (1675-1737)  
      • Sarah Slason (1715-1814), daughter of James & Mehetable Slason, married Stephen Bishop (1716-1791)

George Slawson (1615-1695)- John Slawson (1641-1706) -Jonathan Slawson (1670-1727) - David Slawson (1713-1779) - Jonathan Slauson (1736-1820) - Daniel Slauson (1765-1846) - Nathan Dann Slauson (1803-1873)- Lewis Slawson (1830-1885) - Sarah Francis (Slauson) Selleck (1863-1938) - Maud J (Selleck) Scofield (1882-1968) - Beatrice P. (Scofield) Syska (1906-1945)

George Slawson (1616-1695)John Slawson (1641-1706) -Jonathan Slawson (1670-1727) - David Slawson (1713-1779) - Jonathan Slauson (1736-1820) - Lydia (Slauson) Selleck (1777-1845) - Sands Selleck (1817-1898) -  Sanders Selleck (1859-1947) - Maud J (Selleck) Scofield (1882-1968) - Beatrice P. (Scofield) Syska (1906-1945)

George Slawson (1615-1695)- Eliezer/Eleazer Slawson (1643-1698) - James Slason (1680-1759) - Sarah (Slason) Bishop (1715-1814) -Sarah (Bishop) Provost (1746-1791)- John Provost (1767-1853) - BetseyAnn (Provost) Seeley (1807-1856) - Emily (Seeley) Scofield (1843-1927) - Harry Francis Scofield (1870-1956) Beatrice P. (Scofield) Syska (1906-1945)

28)  SAMUEL HOLLY (1593-1643) &  ELIZABETH (COGAN) HOLLY KENDALL (1599-1647) 

Witch TrialsThe exact year the Holly family arrived in New England is uncertain, but probably between 1630-1635.  Town records show they resided in Cambridge MA by 1639. 

Samuel died in 1643, after which Elizabeth married John Kendall.  Elizabeth was then tried,
 convicted and executed for witchcraft in 1647.  

See more of her story at:

The son of Samuel & ElizabethJohn Galen Holly Sr.(1618-1681) married Mary Waitsill (1620-1714) in 1640 in Stamford, Ct.  John Holly served as Stamford's Marshall, Collector of Customs and Judge.
  • John & Mary's daughter, Bethia Holly (1655-1713), married Jonas Weed (1647-1704) in 1676.
    • Daughter of Bethia & Jonas, Abigail Weed (195-1758) married Jeremiah Scofield (1691-1762)
      • Richard Scofield (1717-1772), son of Abigail & Jeremiah, married Marcy/Mercy Buxton (1721-1779)
  • John & Mary's son, John Holly Jr. (1649-1716) married Hannah Newman (1657-1713)
    •  Elizabeth Holly(1697-1742), daughter of John & Hannah, married Nathaniel Seely(1695-1757) in 1722.*
      • Elizabeth & Nathaniel's daughter, Hannah Seeley (1730-1790)  married Sylvanus Scofield (1729-1795)**
      • Sarah Holly (1701-1764) daughter of John & Hannah, married Obadiah Seeley (1701-1745)  (brother of Nathaniel Seeley above).*
        • Sarah & Obadiah's son, Obadiah Seeley Jr. (1728-1775) married Abigail Crissey (1727-1791)**
    Two sisters, Elizabeth & Sarah Holly, married two brothers, Nathaniel & Obadiah Seely.  

    ** The daughter of Hannah Seeley & Sylvanus Scofield, Rhoda Scofield, married her second cousin, John Seely, who was the son of  Obadiah Seeley and Abigail Crissey.  

    SAMUEL HOLLY (1593-1643) &  ELIZABETH (COGAN) HOLLY (1599-1647)- John Holly (1649-1717)- Elizabeth (Holly) Seely (1697-1742) - Hannah (Seely) Scofield (1730-1790) - Rhoda (Scofield) Seely (1765-1806) -  Seth Seely (1806-1880) - Emily (Seely) Scofield (1843-1927) - Harry Francis Scofield (1870-1956) - Beatrice P. (Scofield) Syska (1906-1945)

    SAMUEL HOLLY (1593-1643) &  ELIZABETH (COGAN) HOLLY (1599-1647)- John Holly (1649-1717)- Sarah (Holly) Seely (1701-1764) - Obadiah Seely Jr. (1728-1775) - John Seely (1755-1832) - Seth Seely (1806-1880) - Emily (Seely) Scofield (1843-1927) - Harry Francis Scofield (1870-1956) - Beatrice P. (Scofield) Syska (1906-1945)

    SAMUEL HOLLY (1593-1643) &  ELIZABETH (COGAN) HOLLY (1599-1647) - Bethia (Holly) Weed (1655-1713) - Abigail (Weed) Scofield (1695-1758)- Richard Scofield (1717-1772) - Enos Scofield (1753-1830) - Stephen Scofield (1782-1853) - Samuel Scofield (1805-1885) - James E. Scofield (1831-1918) - Harry Francis Scofield (1870-1956) - Beatrice P. (Scofield) Syska (1906-1945)

    29) John Youngs (1598-1672)  arrived in 1637 aboard the 'MaryAnn' with his second wife, Joan Harris, and his six young children.  
    His first wife, Joan Herrington (abt 1600- abt 1630), who died in England  is believed to be the mother of his first 6  children born from about 1619-1630.  
    Rev. John Youngs was a puritan minister who, in 1640, traveled  across the Long Island Sound with a group of about 13 other Englishman, settling in Peconic Bay and establishing the first permanent NY English settlement.  Unlike their father who settled in Long Island, many of John's children settled in Connecticut.

    • John & Joan's daughter, Sarah Marey Youngs (1624-1697) married first Daniel Scofield (1620-1669) in 1645 in Stamford, CT and second Miles Merwin in 1670.
      • Sarah & Daniel's son John Scofield (1651-1699) married  Hannah Mead (1664-1728)  in 1677 in Stamford, CT.
        • John and Hannah's son, Nathaniel Scofield (1688-1769) married Elizabeth Pettit (1690-1772)
        • John & Hannah's daughter, Mercy/Marcy Scofield (1690-1722) married Henry Lounsbury (1684-1768) in Stamford, CT in 1709.
      • Sarah & Daniel's son Daniel Scofield (1647-1714) married Abigail Merwin (1652-1711), who appears to be his stepsister as the daughter of his mother's 2nd husband, Miles Merwin and his first wife, Elizabeth Powell.  
        • Daniel & Abigail's son, Daniel Scofield (1678-1745) married Hannah Hoyt (1676-1745)

    John Youngs (1598-1672) and Joan (Herrington) Youngs (1600-1630) - Sarah (Youngs) Scofield - Daniel Scofield (1647-1714)- Samuel Scofield (1685-1767) -Abraham Scofield (1727-1787) -Amy (Scofield) Scofield (1760-1844)- Stephen Scofield (1782-1853) - Samuel Scofield (1805-1885) - James Scofield (1831-1918) - Harry F. Scofield (1870-1956)- Beatrice P. (Scofield) Syska (1906-1945) 

    John Youngs (1598-1672) and Joan (Herrington) Youngs (1600-1630) - Sarah (Youngs) Scofield - John Scofield (1651-1699) -Nathaniel Scofield (1688-1769) - Sylvanus Scofield (1729-1795) - Rhoda (Scofield) Seeley (1765-1806) - Seth Seeley (1806-1880) - Emily (Seeley) Scofield (1843-1920) -James Scofield (1831-1918) - Harry F. Scofield(1870-1956)- Beatrice P. (Scofield) Syska (1906-1945)

    John Youngs (1598-1672) and Joan (Herrington) Youngs (1600-1630) - Sarah (Youngs) Scofield- John Scofield (1651-1699) -Nathaniel Scofield (1688-1769) - Jonathan Scofield* (1719-1788) - Jonathan Scofield (1748-1788) - Elizabeth Ann, 'Betsey' (Scofield) Jones (1783-1838) - Sally Ann (Jones) Scofield (1808-1884) - James Scofield (1831-1918) - Harry F. Scofield(1870-1956)- Beatrice P. (Scofield) Syska (1906-1945) 

    John Youngs (1598-1672) and Joan (Herrington) Youngs (1600-1630) - Sarah (Youngs) Scofield - John Scofield (1651-1699) - Mercy/Marcy (Scofield) Lounsbury (1690 -1722) - Rachel (Lounsbury) Scofield* (1718-1760) - Jonathan Scofield (1748-1788) - Elizabeth Ann, 'Betsey' (Scofield) Jones (1783-1838) - Sally Ann (Jones) Scofield (1808-1884)-James Scofield (1831-1918) - Harry F. Scofield(1870-1956)- Beatrice P. (Scofield) Syska (1906-1945) 

    30) Richard Law (1607-1687) and Margaret (Kilbourne) law- arrived 1638 with his wife Margaret Kilbourne. 

    Richard Law was the King's attorney in England. He moved to new world after the original settlers and became Town clerk. He served 24 years as selectman from 1641-1664, as Representative for New Haven from 1653-1665, as Representative to Connecticut legislature for 1666, 1669, 1672.
    Richard's grandson - Jonathan Law Jr. (son of Jonathan Law and Sarah Clark) was one of the earliest Harvard graduates and became Governor of CT from 1741-1750.

    • Richard & Margaret's two daughters, Sarah and Abigail Law (1643-1711) (my 9th gr grandmother) married brothers, John and Jonathan Selleck (1641-1713).  
      • Jonathon & Abigail Selleck's son, Jonathon Selleck Jr. (1664-1710) married Abigail Gold (1665-1711).  
        • Jonathan Jr. & Abigail Gold's Son, Nathan Selleck (1686-1772) married Sarah Sands (1696- 1789) as his 3rd wife in 1713.
        • Jonathon Jr. & Abigail Gold's daughter, Theophilia Selleck (1694-1779) married Samuel Pennoyer (1696-1761) 

    Richard Law (1607-1687) & Margaret (Kilbourne) Law (1607-1689) Abigail (Law) Selleck (1643-1711) - Jonathan Selleck Jr. (1664-1710) - Nathan Selleck (1686-1772) - Jonathan Selleck (1720-1790) - Samuel Selleck (1746-1790) - Thomas Selleck (1778-1850) -  Sands Selleck (1817-1898) -  Sanders Selleck (1859-1947) - Maud J (Selleck) Scofield (1882-1968)Beatrice P. (Scofield) Syska (1906-1945)

    Richard Law (1607-1687) & Margaret (Kilbourne) Law (1607-1689) Abigail (Law) Selleck (1643-1711) - Jonathan Selleck Jr. (1664-1710) - Theophilia (Selleck) Pennoyer (1694-1779) - Sarah (Pennoyer) Finch (1725-1761) - Jemima (Finch) Scofield (1752-1805) - Elizabeth (Scofield) Jones  (1783-1838) -  Sally Ann (Jones) Scofield (1808-1884) -  James Scofield (1831-1918) - Harry Francis Scofield (1870-1956)Beatrice P. (Scofield) Syska (1906-1945)

    31)  Thomas Jones (1618-1654)  & Mary (unk) ( ?-1650) -  arrived before 1639

     He arrived in Connecticut in 1639 to the area now known as Guilford with a group from Surrey lead by Henry Whitfield. They bought land from the Menuncatuck Indians. The group hastily built the meeting house, still standing in 1939 known as "The Old Stone House".
    Families of Early Guilford, Connecticut, Vol. II

    There were several Thomas Jones born circa 1600 who were in New England in the mid 1600's.    At least five are clearly documented.   Our Ancestor is most likely Thomas Jones (abt 1618-1654) that was one of the original inhabitants of Guilford CT.   The date he arrived in the new world is unknown but it was before 1639 when he is documented in Guilford.  One source has him coming to America in 1635 with Mr. Whitfield landing in New Haven CT.  
    On June 1, 1639 the 39 original families to inhabit Guilford signed a convenant. Thomas Jones as well as Francis Bushnell signed that covenant, which is significant because 24 years later, the children of Thomas Jones and Francis Bushnell are wed. 
    Thomas arrived in Guilford, CT at 22 years old and most likely married his wife there.  Her name was Mary, but her last name is unknown.  It may have been Carter or Howard, but that is unproven.

    • Her surname was not North, as Mary North was the wife of a different Thomas Jones who was a Blacksmith living in Massachusetts with his wife and 6 children (see below).

    Our ancestors, Thomas & Mary Jones, had four children, but the youngest, Thomas, passed away as an infant in 1651, a month after his mother died.  After the death of his wife and son, Thomas Jones Sr., returned to England where he contracted small pox and passed away in 1654.  Their surviving children, Samuel, Sarah & Nathaniel, remained in America.

    Thomas' eldest son, Samuel Jones (1641-1704) married Mary Bushnell (daughter of Francis) in Saybrook CT abt. 1663.

    • The son of Samuel & Mary, John Jones (1676-1721) married Elizabeth Dann (1686-1731) in Stamford in 1702. 
      • John & Elizabeth's son, Thomas Jones (1719-  ) married Mary Demille or Daniel.  
    Thomas Jones (1618-1654)) & Mary (unk) Jones (  - 1650)  - Samuel Jones (1641-1704)  - John Jones (1676-1721) - Thomas Jones (1719 -   ) -  Reuben Jones (1748-1784) - Reuben Jones Jr. (1776-1858) - Sally Ann (Jones) Scofield (1808-1884) -  James E. Scofield (1831-1918) -  Harry F. Scofield(1870-1956)-  Beatrice P. (Scofield) Syska (1906-1945) 

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